Mission: Madagascar Collaboration with UNFPA
Using modern technology to address critical humanitarian challenges.
Team Size
For the purposes of the United Nations project, the United Nations Population Fund – UNFPA (United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency whose mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled, promoting gender equality and empowering women, girls, and young people to take control of their bodies and their futures), we have enhanced and implemented an innovative delivery system using ElevonX drones to improve access to medicines and essential supplies in remote areas of the African continent.
The project’s goal is to overcome geographical barriers and inadequate infrastructure that hinder timely access to healthcare and life-saving resources for residents of remote villages up to 100 kilometers away from logistics centers.
This project serves as a prime example of using modern technology to address critical humanitarian challenges and opens new possibilities for expanding similar initiatives on a global scale.
The process involves a central unit where medicines and supplies are carefully prepared for drone delivery based on weight. The drones, equipped with GPS systems and high-performance batteries, enable autonomous navigation over long distances to designated delivery points. Before each flight, a detailed inspection of the drone is carried out, and the flight path and destination are pre-determined, considering weather conditions (wind and overall climate), topography, and safety guidelines. Upon arrival at the destination, the drone releases the package in a designated area, where it is collected by healthcare workers or local community representatives, and then it returns to the base.
Tango™ VTOL cargo

Wingspan: 4,4 m

Useful payload: 5 kg

Distance: Approximately 100 km one way

Cruise speed: 85 km/h

Maximum take off mass: 29 kg